Emanuel Welinder

Emanuel Welinder

Assistant / Postdoc (Professur Holl)


Holbeinstrasse 12
4051 Basel

Emanuel Welinder

Studies of media science and philosophy. During the studies activity in the department and later assistant. Completion of the master's program in May 2016 with a thesis on "Eyes don't lie. Von Kinoaugen, Modellen und Monstern", which negotiates Dziga Vertov's cinema theory along the axis of gaze theory and subjectivation. Since fall 2016 research assistant and since 2017 assistant at the chair of media aesthetics of Prof. Dr. Ute Holl.

Office hours: Wednesday 10.00 - 12.00 (by appointment).

  • Body images, medical images (dissertation project on endoscopic images).
  • Theories of corporeality and embodiment
  • Theories of gaze and subject
  • Phenomenology and media studies
  • Emanuel Welinder: "Be A Body: Algorithmen, Kommunikation und Körper in Ryoji Ikeda's test pattern [live set]", in:zweikommasieben, #10, 2014, Präsens Edition: Luzern, pp. 82-100. [German&English].
  • Ute Holl and Emanuel Welinder, "Fernsehen: Blinde Befehle.", in Inge Hinterwaldner, Michael Wagner, Vera Wolff (Ed.):Einwegbilder, Munich 2016, pp. 287-305.
  • Ute Holl and Emanuel Welinder, "Die anthropologische Differenz der Medien: Wissenschaft und Phantasma," in Bildwelten des Wissens. Kunsthistorisches Jahrbuch für Bildkritik, vol. 14: Science Fiction. Inszenierungen der Wissenschaft zwischen Fakt und Fiktion, Berlin 2018, pp. 44-55.
  • Ute Holl, Irina Kaldrack, Cyrill Miksch, Esther Stutz, Emanuel Welinder (Ed.): Oberflächen und Interfaces. Ästhetik und Politik filmischer Bilder, Munich, in press [2018].
  • Introduction to Media Aesthetics (with a focus on film analysis) [HS 2016].
  • Phenomenology and Media Studies [FS 2017]
  • How do I look Inside? Body Images around 1900 [HS 2017]
  • Photography as a Surveying Technique [FS 2018]