Prof. Dr. Markus Krajewski
Holbeinstrasse 12
Further Information
1992-1996 | Bachelor’s degree in Modern German Literature, Philosophy, and Sociology at the University of Cologne |
1996-2000 | Master’s degree in Cultural Studies and Modern German Literature at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
2000-2001 | Freelance writer and software developer |
2001-2002 | Research Associate at the Hermann von Helmholtz Zentrum für Kulturtechnik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
2002-2008 | Research associate at the Gerd Bucerius Endowed Professorship for History and Theory of Cultural Techniques, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar |
2005 | PhD degree with the book Restlosigkeit. Weltprojekte um 1900, engl. World Porjects. |
WS 2004/05 | Research fellowship at the Akademie Schloß Solitude, Stuttgart, within the art, science, and business program. |
2008-2013 | Assistant professor of Media History of Science, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar |
2008-2009 | PostDoc Fellowship at the Humanities Center at Harvard University, with funding from the Volkswagen Foundation. |
Spring 2009 | Visiting Professor at the History of Science Department at Harvard University. |
2011 | Postdoctoral lecturing qualification (habilitation) for the project “The Servant: Media History of a Figure between King and Client.” |
SS 2011 | Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. |
WS 2012-SS 2013 | Visiting professor at Leuphana University Lüneburg. |
Since 2014 | Professor of Media Studies with an focus on media history and theory at the University of Basel |
Research interests
PROJECTSResearch activities within the professorship develop a specific historical perspective on mediatic, cultural, epistemological, knowledge-historical, and cultural technological processes and events. These are analyzed and communicated using genuine cultural studies research tools and methods.
Core research
- Cultural and media history of service and subalterns
- Media and architecture
- Cultural techniques and media practices
- Peripheral epistemologies
- Planned obsolescence
- Programming as a Cultural technique
- World projects and the phantasmatics of technology
- Administrative tools of knowledge and their poetology
- Cetology: Moby-Dick, or: The Whale as a Media and Cultural Thing
- Historiography of the media
- Visualizations of knowledge
- Test pilots
- Errors in the sciences and humanities
Research projects
- Accuracy in the humanities,
- Media and mimesis,
- Specific building types in German post-war architecture, tiled fassades
- Scholarly tools (software development for humanities scholars),
- Robots and servants
- Propaedeutics in cultural studies
Krajewski, M. (2018) The Server: A Media History from the Present to the Baroque. New Haven, London: Yale University Press
Krajewski, M. (2016) Bauformen des Gewissens. Über Fassaden deutscher Nachkriegsarchitektur. Stuttgart: Alfred Kröner Verlag. Mit Fotografien von Christian Werner
Krajewski, M. (2014) World Projects. Global Information Before World War I. Electronic Mediations. Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press
Krajewski, M. (2013) Lesen, Schreiben, Denken. Zur wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeit in 7 Schritten. UTB. Cologne, Vienna and Weimar: Böhlau Verlag, 22015
Krajewski, M. (2011) Paper Machines. About Cards & Catalogs, 1548-1929. history and foundations ofinformation sciences. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press
Krajewski, M. (2010) Der Diener. Mediengeschichte einer Figur zwischen König und Klient. S. Fischer Science. Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag
Krajewski, M. (2006) Restlosigkeit. Weltprojekte um 1900. Fischer Taschenbücher. Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag
Krajewski, M. (2002) Zettelwirtschaft. Die Geburt der Kartei aus dem Geiste der Bibliothek. Vol. 4. copyrights. Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos, 22017
Recent Publications
Krajewski, M.(2020) "Card." In:The Oxford handbook of media, technology, and organizationstudies. Edited by Robin Holt Timon Beyes and Claus Pias. Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress, pp. 68-83.
Krajewski, M. (2020) "branch, diff, merge. Version control and source code criticism". InDuplicate, transcript & copy. Cultural techniques of duplication. Edited by Andrea Hübener, Jörg Paulus, and Fabian Winter. Vienna/Cologne/Weimar: Böhlau Verlag