Prof. Dr. Markus Krajewski
Markus Krajewski
Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
Departement Künste, Medien, Philosophie
Professur Krajewski


Holbeinstrasse 12
4051 Basel

Tel. +41 61 207 04 44


Bachelors degree in Modern German Literature, Philosophy, and Sociology at the University of Cologne


Masters degree in Cultural Studies and Modern German Literature at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Freelance writer and software developer


Research Associate at the Hermann von Helmholtz Zentrum für Kulturtechnik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Research associate at the Gerd Bucerius Endowed Professorship for History and Theory of Cultural Techniques, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar


PhD degree with the book Restlosigkeit. Weltprojekte um 1900, engl. World Porjects.

WS 2004/05

Research fellowship at the Akademie Schloß Solitude, Stuttgart, within the art, science, and business program.


Assistant professor of Media History of Science, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar


PostDoc Fellowship at the Humanities Center at Harvard University, with funding from the Volkswagen Foundation.

Spring 2009

Visiting Professor at the History of Science Department at Harvard University.


Postdoctoral lecturing qualification (habilitation) for the project “The Servant: Media History of a Figure between King and Client.”

SS 2011

Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin.

WS 2012-SS 2013

Visiting professor at Leuphana University Lüneburg.

Since 2014

Professor of Media Studies with an focus on media history and theory at the University of Basel


Research activities within the professorship develop a specific historical perspective on mediatic, cultural, epistemological, knowledge-historical, and cultural technological processes and events. These are analyzed and communicated using genuine cultural studies research tools and methods.

Core research

  • Cultural and media history of service and subalterns
  • Media and architecture
  • Cultural techniques and media practices
  • Peripheral epistemologies
  • Planned obsolescence
  • Programming as a Cultural technique
  • World projects and the phantasmatics of technology
  • Administrative tools of knowledge and their poetology
  • Cetology: Moby-Dick, or: The Whale as a Media and Cultural Thing
  • Historiography of the media
  • Visualizations of knowledge
  • Test pilots
  • Errors in the sciences and humanities


Research projects

  • Accuracy in the humanities,
  • Media and mimesis,
  • Specific building types in German post-war architecture, tiled fassades
  • Scholarly tools (software development for humanities scholars),
  • Robots and servants
  • Propaedeutics in cultural studies

Krajewski, M. (2018) The Server: A Media History from the Present to the Baroque. New Haven, London: Yale University Press 

Krajewski, M. (2016) Bauformen des Gewissens. Über Fassaden deutscher Nachkriegsarchitektur. Stuttgart: Alfred Kröner Verlag. Mit Fotografien von Christian Werner

Krajewski, M. (2014) World Projects. Global Information Before World War I. Electronic Mediations. Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press

Krajewski, M. (2013) Lesen, Schreiben, Denken. Zur wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeit in 7 Schritten. UTB. Cologne, Vienna and Weimar: Böhlau Verlag, 22015 

Krajewski, M. (2011) Paper Machines. About Cards & Catalogs, 1548-1929. history and foundations ofinformation sciences. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press 

Krajewski, M. (2010) Der Diener. Mediengeschichte einer Figur zwischen König und Klient. S. Fischer Science. Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag 

Krajewski, M. (2006) Restlosigkeit. Weltprojekte um 1900. Fischer Taschenbücher. Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag

Krajewski, M. (2002) Zettelwirtschaft. Die Geburt der Kartei aus dem Geiste der Bibliothek.  Vol. 4. copyrights. Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos, 22017 

Recent Publications

Krajewski, M.(2020) "Card." In:The Oxford handbook of media, technology, and organizationstudies. Edited by Robin Holt Timon Beyes and Claus Pias. Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress, pp. 68-83.

Krajewski, M. (2020) "branch, diff, merge. Version control and source code criticism". InDuplicate, transcript & copy. Cultural techniques of duplication. Edited by Andrea Hübener, Jörg Paulus, and Fabian Winter. Vienna/Cologne/Weimar: Böhlau Verlag

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