Magnus Rust MA
Assistant / PhD candidate
Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
Departement Künste, Medien, Philosophie
Professur Krajewski

Assistant / PhD candidate

Holbeinstrasse 12
4051 Basel

Tel. +41 61 207 67 43

Magnus Rust studied Applied Cultural Studies and Science and Technology Studies (STS) in Vienna, Zurich and Hildesheim. Research stays at MIT, Stanford University, and the Weizenbaum Institute in Berlin. His journalistic and essayistic texts have appeared in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, taz, FREITAG and the Zürcher Fabrikzeitung.


  • Intellectual history in artificial intelligence (AI) research
  • Technology criticism in the 20th century
  • Mutual influence of neurology, psychoanalysis and computer development
  • Life and work of computer science pioneer and social critic Joseph Weizenbaum (1923-2008)
  • Intercontinental knowledge transfer
  • Collateral anthropology of human-machine research
  • Cultural technique of walking (flâneuse, strolling sciences, urbangraphy, dérive)
  • Border areas of journalistic, social science, ethnographic and historical work