National Museum of Prehistory, Taiwan
ICAMT 2024
"The Museum Incomplete – For an eternally unfinished museum between physical and online space"

Abstract zu Marco De Mutiis Vortrag:
Museums are often understood as stable and fixed spaces, as neat physical boxes where arts and culture is organised, shown and guarded. Collections, archives and exhibitions have traditionally privileged the physical space and largely focused on ideas of art and culture made of objects. On the other hand, the promises of digital and online spaces have largely remained understood through an institutional discourse that separates physical and virtual space between different fields of the museum. If digitality and internet presence have become an almost compulsory asset for communication and marketing departments within the institution, curatorial processes or exhibition and collection strategies seem to remain anchored to outdated modes of understanding the museum space and forms of art and culture that particularly challenge the museum “white cube”.
This talk will propose alternative forms of understanding online platforms and digital media as both spaces and practices – with specific properties and affordances – where the museum can extend its role and enhance its relevance. Looking at examples and case studies from different institutions, and analysing different reactions from international museums from the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic until now, the presentation will highlight possible forms in which we can rethink the idea of museum. Moving from a stable place with rigid boundaries towards an ever-evolving hybrid place, the talk will invite the audience to consider the museum as an eternally incomplete and perpetually unfolding space.
Die Konferenz findet vom 6. bis 10.Oktober 2024 in Taitung und Taipei (Taiwan)statt.
Zum Programm der Konferenz klicken Sie hier.
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